UK Rural Tree Planting
Tree planting in rural areas is far more cost effective in terms of £’s per tree planted and large scale planting is only possible outside urban and developed areas.
Whilst larger scale tree planting brings greater environmental benefits in terms of carbon capture, many argue that public benefit is greater in urban areas. We leave it for you to decide. When making a donation we ask donors to select where they wish funds to be allocated, and for The UK specifically, UK Rural (public access or nature reserve) or UK Urban.
We encourage community tree planting on public land, and to work in partnership with both private and public landowners to provide protected woodlands and on occasions purchase land (where economic to do so) to plant trees.
Where purchasing land or utilising land that has been gifted, we seek to create woodland areas through afforestation, some with open public access, but a proportion with limited public access in order to create nature reserves.
WTT advocate only indigenous deciduous trees be planted in rural areas.